Schlocker ..........

Anything that makes me tick and get a kick.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Greek music a gogo : Crazy girls!

"A seminal song for the shaking 60's in Greece.It was first performed in the movie by film director Yannis Dalianidis,"Dakrya gia tin Ilektra" (1966).In the movie popular film star (and former Miss Greece) Zoe Laskari appears to be singing "Crazy Girl",but in reality the voice heard belongs to popular singer Aleka Kanelidou.In another version Nelli Manou performs it under the direction of Mimis Plessas,who wrote the song." (Thanks to Linernotes for the info)

Aleki Kanelidou-crazy girl
Nelli Manou-crazy girl
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Music a gogo : France Gall goes German again

Ok let's start the new year here at Schlocker with this great sophisticated German language France Gall song from 1969 (sounds a lot earlier).

So einen jungen Mann (vinyl)
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New posts on the horizon since I finally returned from holiday,in the meantime check out the excellent new blog freche früchtchen also don't forget to pay the wonderful funky czech-in a visit from time to time.